Flashcards are great study tools consisting of small cards with information written on them. The idea behind flashcards is that they allow students to study small pieces of information in a condensed and easily digestible format.
One of the primary benefits of using flashcards is their ability to improve memory retention. When we repeatedly review information in short, focused bursts, our brains can better store that information in our long-term memory. Flashcards also allow for active recall, which is retrieving information from memory. By practicing active recall with flashcards, we strengthen the neural pathways associated with that information, making it easier to remember in the future.
To ease your transition into the nuclear industry, we have created flashcards for various sections here on new2nuclear.com; one example is the acronym section.
To boost the use of flashcards further, we have enabled you to mark cards you already know to skip past them. So once you turn the side of the flashcards, you can mark the response as right or wrong. In the end, you can see how well you did overall and if you should go back to a particular set of flashcards.

Some cards will have a hint Press the lite i circled in the picture below.

Once you have completed the flashcards and press next, you will see the following summary of how well you did and get a feel for if you should do it again. And track your progress.